Frank LoseyFeatured Writer Since 2010
An attorney who served as Director of Civil Law at the Pentagon and is licensed to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court. He has also provided legal guidance for the Air Force Chief of Staff and Pentagon officials during his 25 years active duty in the U.S. Air Force as a Judge Advocate. After retirement Frank was General Counsel for Trade Associations and a Consulting (Lobbying) Firm that represented multi-billion dollar defense contractors. He is well equipped to take on the HSUS, having obtained statutory changes to Title 10 (Armed Forces Act), Title 18 (Crimes and Criminal Procedure-Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act), Title 26 (Internal Revenue Code), Title 41 (Public Contracts), regulations promulgated by the U.S. Dept. of Defense, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, OSHA, EPA, and the International Maritime Organization in 2003.
He became involved with dog breeders when asked to help an uncle fight a bill Senator Santorum and HSUS were trying to pass. Frank is not a breeder, he bought a Yorkie for his wife in 1974. The little “puppy mill pet shop dog” lived 17 years and Chaucer is responsible for Frank Losey’s determination to "right the unrightable wrongs" of the HSUS.
He may be contacted at: © 12.2010
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