It is with great sadness that we report the loss of one of our original contributors to "Dr. Richard" Theriogenology professor at University Of Georgia, served the dog fancy for generations... |
Reproductive specialist for University Of Georgia, president of the American College of Theriogenologists, Dr. Richard Arthur Fayrer-Hoskin was world renowned for his research and love for elephants.
When Bill and I first went to Atlanta, through referral from my veterinarian, I knew nothing about Dr. Fayrer-Hosken other than that he was "the best" in canine reproduction. During the table exam I mentioned that dogs were my second love only because they were easier to feed than an elephant.
He laughed, looked up, queried me and it was the beginning of a decades-long friendship.
We shared a fascination with and love of elephants. In fact that incredibly intelligent animal is why Dr. Richard donated his services to the world-famous Atlanta zoo. Dr. Fayrer-Hosken was born in Zimbabwe, made regular trips to Africa and often shared photos and tales with me.
Richard's professional curiosity was matched only by the size of his heart. He was in fact, my heart-friend and it is with tears that I update this page. His CV is below but the bad bad bad news is that he passed from this life into a better one on July 4, 2019.
UNGA and other sites report that he was cutting hay, suffered a fatal heart attack and died alone. He was found by a worker hired to help with the laborious task. Knowing Richard's generosity, his goodness and his faith I do not believe he was alone. God was with him.
Present Rank Born: Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, 26th, January 1954
Highest Degree PhD. "Influence of cholesterol sulfate and carbohydrate moieties on rabbit sperm penetration of zonae pellucidae"; The University of Georgia; 1987.
Other Education ACT. Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists; 1992.
BVSc. Onderstepoort, University of Pretoria, South Africa; 1981.
BSc. Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; 1975.
Other Professional Employment: Professor Theriogenology, Department of Large Animal Medicine, June 1999.
Joint appointed, Department of Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Nov. 1988-Present.
Tenured faculty, Department of Large Animal Medicine, July 1994.
Associate Professor Theriogenology, Department of Large Animal Medicine, July 1993.
Assistant Professor Theriogenology, Department of Large Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Sept. 1988-1993.
Awards Theriogenologist of the Year, Awarded by the American College of Theriogenologists for Research in population control of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana, September 1999.
University of Georgia, Creative Research Award for Immunocontraceptive Elephant Research, 1998.
Faculty Recognition Award for Teaching Excellence, 1993, 1992.
College of Veterinary Medicine nomination for the Richard B. Russel Teaching Award, 1992.
Lilly Teaching Fellowship Award, and $2,000 Award for furthering education, University of Georgia, Athens GA, 1989.
National Phi Zeta Research Award for research excellence. College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens GA, 1988.
Presentations and Continuing Education Dr. Fayrer-Hosken has delivered 38 special invited presentations and over 200 presentations and continuing education courses.
Publications Dr. Fayrer-Hosken has 234 publications in articles, abstracts and books. Copyright © 200120U1121S01